Today, Denver hosted President Barack Obama and his entourage to an afternoon of solar panel tours and signing bills that will inject almost $800 billion in job creation and tax cuts. Here in Denver! I live and work close to the Museum of Nature & Science, so it behooved me to see the motorcade authoritatively cruise in.
It was very very windy, so fitting for energy reform!
Colorado Blvd. would soon become a desolate street as the police blocked off the intersections for several blocks in each direction. The President landed at Buckley AFB (east Aurora), so I thought they'd take the most direct route, Colfax westbound, but silly me. They actually took 1-225 to 1-70 to Colorado Blvd. southbound. D'oy.
You can't see it in the pictures but it was VERY WINDY.

The Beast! About two hundred people are behind me cheering on the President. He's actually visited CO a handful of times (swing state), but not as President so it was refreshing to see the mobile army/government in full regalia. They don't kid around.

Obama signed the stimulus bill an hour later. An hour after that, GM and Chrysler asked for $21 billion in more bailout money. My friends, these are uncommon times. Uncharted waters. And it's just the beginning. Save up like your future depends on it. Cuz it does.
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