You might remember Mario & Jenni from their Save the Date session in the summer (I miss 9pm sunsets!). We reunited for an unbelievable autumn engagement session. I got to know them better with a quick 90-minute jaunt through Wash Park during peak color.

There were so many angles to capture with the burnt orange and amber leaves everywhere, but I focused on nailing the shot rather than rushing through the whole park (think a mini Central Park).

I love it when people are playful and figure out the fun for me! I just observe and shoot. Mario & Jenni are the quintessential yin & yang. Mario is reserved and rock-steady, Jenni is spunky and wild.

Thanks so much for giving me another reason to love my job! Now we head into winter and I'm getting excited for your holiday wedding in December. Can't wait.
Much love,,,
Chris Enzaldo Photographer
Much love,,,
Chris Enzaldo Photographer